DOB: December 19, 2004
V, SchH3, AD, Kkl1 lbz, SV pink Papers, AKC DNA, CKC, USA reg.
Hips and Elbows a-normal (ZW 76)
Father: VA2 (BSZS) Hill vom Farbenspiel SchH3, HD a1, ED a1
Mother: SG22 (BSZS) Merrya von der Vallendarer Höhe SchH2 HD a1
Watch his NASS 2007 courage test video here!
Yash von der Bastillie is everything we ever wanted in a stud dog. He was imported from Germany as a puppy and went back later to earn his Schutzhund titles (1,2 & 3). He brought us so much joy and a new appreciation for what a real male should be like. His loyalty, work ethics, and intelligence surprised me time and time again, and he also made me laugh. Yash is now enjoying a healthy retirement as our house dog, and I feel very safe knowing he is keeping his watchful eye on things!
Yash is a large, strong, strikingly beautiful male with dark eyes and mask on his very handsome face. He has excellent structure, strong bone, and very masculine expression. His bitework is great and he is a dog that has to be taken seriously. His hips and elbows received the highest German certification of a-normal, and he has a low ZW of 81. In his 4 generation pedigree, 19 of Yash’s 30 ancestors have SchH3 title, 4 – SchH2, and 11 – SchH1. 26 of these 30 dogs have a-normal hips; 4 - a-fast normal.
Being Ursus/Dux free and continuing the rare alternative Mutz von der Pelztierfarm bloodline, Yash is extremely attractive for breeding with Ursus/Yasko, Wallace, Quantum/Dux, Ando, and other females. He should be used for the improvement of type and expression, structure, hips, pigment, courage, and drive.
Yash’s father, VA2 (World Vice-Sieger) Hill vom Farbenspiel SchH3, needs no introduction – he is the 2004 Vice-Champion and was also youth world champion in 2001, after which he was VA8 and VA3 in the following years. He is a big, very expressive dog with medium strength of bone and much substance. He has outstanding height to length proportions, very good general firmness, and strong working dog qualities. Hill is famous for improving the bitework, and Yash is living proof of this.
Yash’s mother, SG22 (BSZS 2002) Merrya von der Vallendarer Höhe SchH2, is a big, medium strong, dry and firm female with good expression. She has a wide outreaching gait with effective hindthrust and free front reach. She is a daughter of the very handsome, world famous V Saber vom Steffen-Haus SchH3 and linebred 3-3 on VA4 (BSZS) Natz vom Steigerhof SchH3.
Yash’s brother, Yukon von der Bastillie SchH3, was rated VA3 (adult working dog class) in the 2009 Sieger Show, and after demonstrating perfect bitework, excellent progeny group, and super performance (he was chosen as one of 14 dogs with the best courage test performances). Way to go Yukon!!!
Yash’s Körschein (Kör-report): Körklasse 1 (Especially recommended for breeding). Kör-number: 20073848. Körmeister: Henning Setzer:
Groß, kräftig, sehr typ- und ausdrucksvoll, betont, gestreckt, sehr gut pigmentiert, gute Ober- und Unterlinie, vorne gut, hinten sehr gut gewinkelt, breite, kräftig bemuskelte Keulen, ausgeglichene Brustverhältnisse, korrekte Front, raumschaffende Gänge mit wirksamer Rückenübertragung. Sicheres Wesen, TSB ausgeprägt; läßt ab.
Large, strong, very typical and expressive, markedly stretched, very well pigmented, good upper and under-line, good angulation in front, very good hind angulation, broad, strongly muscled thighs, balanced chest proportions, correct front, ground covering gait with effective hindthrust and transmission. Safe nature, TSB pronounced; lets go.
Yash's Linebreeding:
(5 -) - on VA1 Zamb von der Wienerau
(- 5,5) on Zigo von der Wienerau
Yash's Show Success:
V2 - Excellent 2nd place - North American Sieger Show 2007
V4 - Excellent 4th place - OG Show Germany 2007
SG1 - 1st place, Sieger! - Canadian Sieger Show 2006
Yash's Videos and picture gallery:
NASS 2007 courage test video  - Size: 3.12 MB - Thank you, Charles
NASS 2007 courage test video  - Size: 5.33 MB - Different angle - Thank you, Mary Wijas
Yash and Fanta playing together  - Size: 10.2 MB - They give each other great workout!
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