SG4 Nemka vom Alpenhof, BH
E-litter von Lotta at 4 weeks oldWhoever said you can't buy happiness forgot about puppies

Our "E" litter puppies were born November 10, 2007, 5 males and 5 females. These are the darkest pigmented puppies that Nemka has produced. Just born, they already had black pads and noses, and most of them also have nice full coats. We expect these puppies to be extremely trainable, loyal, and protective, some with a lot of energy! At 6 weeks of age, they are learning to eat kibble soaked in water - this will make their transition to their new homes easier. We use Evo and Canidae. They are also still nursing. These puppies are very outgoing and inquisitive and love to investigate when I take them out into the yard.
If you are interested in one of these puppies, please contact us for more information and to check availability. If you are interested in breeding your von Lotta puppy in the future, please see our policy.

Below are my first impressions of the puppies when they were 6 weeks old.
E litter
Yellow Collar Female
Yellow Collar Female

Yellow Collar Female has fantastic dark pigment. She is the darkest colored puppy in the litter. She has a very full coat, black face and that wonderful black "titnt" over her red markings. She is one of the largest puppies in the litter. I often confuse her with the Green collar male puppy. She is friendly and playful, but seems to be more laidback than some of the other puppies and is not very dominant. We expect her to be very easy to train.

Orange Collar Female
Orange Collar Female

Orange Collar Female has stood out among the puppies since a very young age – she is very attentive, always wants to climb into my lap, or just sit down and look at me. Anytime I looked into the whelping box when everyone is asleep - there she was sitting there staring at me. She is very determined and energetic, but should be extremely easy to train. She will be your best friend forever and should do best with someone who will be able to channel her energy. She was the first puppy to learn to climb out of the box.

Pink Collar Female
Pink Collar Female

Pink Collar Female is a very energetic and dominant girl. Early on I noticed her “attacking” her littermates and trying to engage them in play. She is an especially substantial and large girl with strong bone and excellent dark pigment. She seems to have excellent structure too. She can make an excellent Schutzhund or search and rescue dog.

Red Collar Female
Red Collar Female

Red Collar Female is also a large, solidly built puppy with strong bone. She has this huge head with extensive black mask and strong expression. She will have jet-black saddle with deep red markings. She loves to eat and has a serious attitude, also quite dominant with the other puppies. She is very inquisitive and when I "lure" everyone back into their puppy room she usually has better things to do and is the last one to be found.

Maroon Collar Female
Maroon Collar Female

Maroon Collar Female is very active, attentive, and eager to do anything. She wants to literally climb on my shoulders when I sit in the whelping box so that she can give me a kiss. But make no mistake – she is not the cuddly type and loves to bounce around with an abundance of energy. She is the most vocal among these puppies too - likes to talk. She will make an awesome working dog, or a very energetic companion for someone who likes outdoors or just spending quality time with their dog.

Blue Collar Male
Blue Collar Male

Blue Collar Male Blue collar male has very nice color and pigment, and he has very harmonious structure which was noticeable when he was just a couple of weeks old. He is large and very substantial, with strong broad head and shoulders. He is the most dominant puppy in the litter and will do best with an experienced owner. In other words he has an attitude. I call him “Little Yashy” because he reminds me so much of his father.

Light Blue Collar Male
Light Blue Collar Male

Light Blue Collar Male is a very large boy with huge head. He has the same serious expression as his father, and very dark black and red markings. He is not quite as pushy as his "Blue" brother, but he does have his priorities straight. He is very adventurous and was the only one who learned how to climb the box with the door closed (2 ft!) He will probably be quite protective as an adult, and, just like "Blue," will do best with an experiensed owner who knows how to handle a dominant dog.

Violet Collar Male
Violet Collar Male

Violet Collar Male was about 20% larger than the rest of the puppies at birth, and sky-rocketed within the first few weeks. He is huge! He has huge bone, large head, and wide chest. He is very handsome with beautiful black and red markings and will have people in awe when they see him. His disposition is sweeter than some of the other pups, although he is very playful too, and will not let anyone push him around. He loves to play with my pant-leg and will keep his new owner busy during those "puppy years." He is a longcoated puppy.

Green Collar Female
Green Collar Female

Green Collar Male has large head, strong bone, and fantastic coat. He is the darkest pigmented male in the litter and his black face will win anyone over. He is a serious boy and is very playful but not quite as energetic as some other puppies. He is very loving and will follow me wherever I go. He'll make a perfect companion for an active person who knows dogs.

Black Collar Male
Black Collar Male

Black Collar Male is very handsome with nice contrast of his jet black coat with red markings. He has very dark eyes and will be quite a head-turner! He is a very active and affectionate puppy. He is happy, open to adventure, and very intelligent. He is Chad's favorite in this litter - I guess due to his handsome looks and good behaviour. He says he is the cuddliest.

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